Keeping Up-To-Date with Please Hold For:

This Week:

I am always interested to hear about what you love or what you’d like to see so use the button below to tell me what you think. It is completely anonymous so feel free to really let loose!

Previous Updates:


New episode of So, Tell Me… is out on Podcast streaming services including Spotify and iTunes. You can also listen on the website here. This episode is with my lab manager from Placement - Lyndy Harden. She is a really supportive and kind person so this episode is a ray of sunshine in the ever darkening winter months.


Updated the YouTube channel today so there are 2 available science episodes and many more episodes to come. They are uncut videos of the Sparking Connections podcast and the edited podcast will be available as usual, this is just additional for those who want to enjoy it.


Q&A for the latest science episode went up on Instagram today. If you missed it then you can see the questions answered in the highlights reel on the profile. Alternatively I will be uploading the questions and answers into the show notes on the website entry.


The new newsletter went out to all the lovely subscribers. You can sign up to receive October’s newsletter at the end of the month at the bottom of the homepage. It has links to all the month’s podcast episodes, so if you don’t follow the social media or forget when the episodes come out then you can use those links to check them out.


The first post for the What Uni to Know blog went live today! Check it out here. It’s about Moving in and Settling in at University. If you have any advice for others feel free to comment it below the post.


Today I am interviewing another friend I met on Placement: Anubha. She is a lovely soul and I can’t wait for everyone to hear about her education journey.

Over on Instagram we will be doing a Q&A for Sparking Connections episode 15 so head over to pleaseholdforinsta to ask a question!


A new episode of Sparking Connections came out today. It is a two parter with the first part being slightly shorter than the second. You can find it on Spotify, iTunes and Anchor or listen to it on the website here.


A new episode of So, Tell Me… came out today. You can find it on Spotify, iTunes and Anchor or listen to it on the website here.


Welcome to the new Updates page! This will be a place for me to post polls and keep everyone informed of what changes are being made as well as remind you what I have coming up and what you can do to support me.

The Newsletter went out today for the first time. If you didn’t receive yours then please comment or email to let me know. If you want to sign up and start receiving emails from next month you can do so by scrolling to the bottom of the homepage and using the form to sign up.